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For 24h, 48h, or even just a few hours.
For every taste and every mood
From private spas, to intimate bar, award-winning room service and late checkouts, there is definitely a staycation for you.
The Staycation experience
The most beautiful hotels
An all-star cast, from 4-star boutique hotels to iconic palaces.
A bespoke experience
Add-ons that personalize every aspect of your staycation.
Little extras
Welcome kits, limited-time discounts, thoughtful surprises — there are always bonuses.
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Our experience with Staycation was outstanding. It was so great to be able to get away for a weekend and feel pampered at a luxury hotel. And it made a great surprise birthday gift. 100% recommend.
Never disappointed with Staycation! Really cool hotels, excellent value for money and great extra touches from Staycation in the rooms! Looking forward to booking with them again!
Staycation is the perfect way to experience escape without having to travel for hours, or to plan and book months in advance! Outstanding service and team! We absolutely recommend them!
Plans for the weekend: Four great reasons to discover the Staycation experience
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